true means use the alt speeds
when to turn on alt speeds (units: minutes after midnight)
what day(s) to turn on alt speeds (look at tr_sched_day)
true means the scheduled on/off times are used
when to turn off alt speeds (units: same)
max global upload speed (KBps)
true means enabled
number of rules in the blocklist
location of the blocklist to use for "blocklist-update"
maximum size of the disk cache (MB)
location of transmission's configuration directory
true means allow dht in public torrents
default path to download torrents
if true, limit how many torrents can be downloaded at once
max number of torrents to download at once (see download-queue-enabled)
"required", "preferred", "tolerated"
torrents we're seeding will be stopped if they're idle for this long
true if the seeding inactivity limit is honored by default
path for incomplete torrents, when enabled
true means keep torrents in incomplete-dir until done
true means allow Local Peer Discovery in public torrents
maximum global number of peers
maximum global number of peers
port number
true means pick a random peer port on launch
true means allow pex in public torrents
true means enabled
whether or not to consider idle torrents as stalled
torrents that are idle for N minuets aren't counted toward seed-queue-size or download-queue-size
true means append ".part" to incomplete files
the current RPC API version
the minimum RPC API version supported
whether or not to call the "done" script
filename of the script to run
if true, limit how many torrents can be uploaded at once
max number of torrents to uploaded at once (see seed-queue-enabled)
the default seed ratio for torrents to use
true if seedRatioLimit is honored by default
max global download speed (KBps)
true means enabled
max global upload speed (KBps)
true means enabled
true means added torrents will be started right away
true means the .torrent file of added torrents will be deleted
true means allow utp
long version string "$version ($revision)"
max global download speed (KBps)